These are the supplies that instructor, Corey Moortgat, personally uses for this series. It is not necessary to use the exact same colors or supplies. Some of these paint brands may be hard to find, so feel free to mix colors from your existing paints if that works easier.
Paint Colors
Golden Brand
Van Dyke Brown
Prussian Blue
Titanim White
Liquitex Brand
Hooker’s Green
Brilliant Yellow Green
Medium Magenta
Holbein Brand
Shell Pink
Compose Rose
Luminous Opera
Luminous Red
Charvin Brand
Tropical Green
Intense pink
Julia’s Pink
Other Supplies
Paper Towel
Masterson Sta-Wet Palette (optional, but works great for keeping paint wet)
3/4” flat brush (I love Princeton Catalyst brushes)
1” flat brush (I love Princeton Catalyst brushes)
Larger brush for grounding your canvas (optional)
Palette knife for mixing paint
Square gessoed canvas (I used 24” x 24”)
Impasto medium (or gel medium/texture medium)
A pointy stick like a knitting needle or something similar, even a pencil or pen
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